Do you save 4chan threads to text files like I do (select all in rendered webpage then copy and paste)? The text is more useful if it is better organized. I found the following imperfect thing to be helpful to save each post to an individual text file; ran in Cygwin, which is similar to bash in Linux; newlines = 0x0d 0x0a; post delimiter = "\r\n>>\r\n" (0d0a3e3e0d0a): >$ xxd -ps "C:\Users\path\to\4chan\mlp\thread\40219665_not_all_posts.txt" | tr -d \\n | tr -d \\r | sed "s/0d0a3e3e0d0a/p/g" > "C:\[...]\40219665_not_all_posts.txth" >$ gvim "C:\[...]\40219665_not_all_posts.txth" >[ :%s/p/\r/g ] >$ grep $ "C:\[...]\40219665_not_all_posts.txth" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do num=$(echo $args | xxd -ps -r - | head -n1 | sed "s/.* No\.//g" | xxd -c 99999999999999999999 -ps - | sed "s/e296b6.*//g" | xxd -ps -r -); echo $args | xxd -ps -r - > /cygdrive/c/Users/user/[...]/$num; done' _